Sunday 11 September 2011

Sweet things....

Last night I took some photos of these lovely pieces my sister Jodie had given me last Christmas. i love them both! The gorgeous Owl Vase is so sweet and delicate, and just a little bit Nina (Offspring)!! And the "love" ring I wear everyday, it's smooth and so pretty!!

So every Christmas My Sister's, our Mum and I draw a name out of a hat and buy for that family member! It's always a lot of fun! This year our focus is on buying gifts that are handmade/vintage...

Well, I'm off on a family holiday to Singapore and Bali in a few days, hopefully I'll do one more post before I go and then I'll post some pics from our Holiday when we're back :):)

Oh! And when we're back we're getting stuck into our renos again! yippee!!



  1. Have a beautiful holiday Miss!
    And plenty of gorgeous snaps to share with us!

  2. Thanks gorgeous, can't wait to get on that plane...xxxx
